Independent Primary Care

The greatest accomplishments in medicine are achieved through teamwork.

Why then, is Wise Patient’s independence a core component of its mission to be the smartest and most compassionate primary care clinic in Seattle?

Being administratively independent from large medical institutions allows Wise Patient greater clarity of thought and transparency as a primary care clinic.

Wise Patient is not influenced by the financial motivations of a large institution.

If we refer you for outside testing or to an outside specialist, you can be confident that we believe it is in your best interest. Our providers know Seattle’s specialists well. When you need it, they will refer you to the most qualified specialist for your unique situation, without external pressure to refer you to one particular hospital’s group. Or, if you have a specific place you’d like your referral to go, our providers will listen to your preference and triage your referral accordingly. Your wellbeing is our goal, not appeasing a larger corporation.

Similarly, Wise Patient has no extra pressure to refer patients to procedures and tests that reimburse that institution more favorably.

Our patients are never charged an extra “facility fee” for their visit, and we place no limitations on where you can be hospitalized.

So long as the electronic health record technology continues to allow robust interaction between primary care providers and other healthcare specialists and institutions, Wise Patient has the power to improve patient health outcomes, patient satisfaction, and decrease healthcare costs.

If you’re tired of unexpected bills, confusing insurance policies, and providers who seem too rushed to listen, Direct Primary Care is for you. 

Imagine having your provider in your pocket, equally accessible by secure text message, phone call, video call, and in person, all for a predictable low monthly fee. That is Direct Primary Care at Wise Patient.  

Wise Patient offers unique benefits for our patients: 

  • The quality of your medical care. The average time a primary care provider spends with each patient is debated. Whatever that average is, we blow the doors off it at Wise Patient—new patients and annual physicals are a full 60 minutes, and follow-up visits are 45 minutes in-person or 30 minutes virtually. We will never compromise your health by overbooking our schedules, nor will you ever be penalized if you need to cancel or reschedule last minute. Additionally, our patients get access to steeply discounted cash-price blood tests and off-site medical imaging we have negotiated on their behalf. 

  • The quality of your providers. To recruit and retain the very best to Wise Patient, we create and facilitate an experience that resembles what that provider envisioned when they first entered the medical field. 

Direct Primary Care is increasingly recognized as the gold standard for primary care. 

 The Washington state legislature recognizes Direct Primary Care as “an innovative, affordable option which could improve access to medical care, reduce the number of people who now lack such access, and cut down on emergency room use for primary care purposes”.  

A large actuarial study found that Direct Primary Care members had fewer ER visits/costs, 25% lower hospital admissions, and lower risk-adjusted claim costs.  

The Milliman Consulting Firm now has expanded their recommendation for Direct Primary Care to many small employers and self-insured larger employers.